Monday, November 13, 2006

Providing a Safety Net

I can’t help but feel I have been misunderstood to a certain extent about my article, “Future of Singapore”. I would thus like to set the record straight.

I mentioned how far our neighbours have come over the past decade. And the competency level of their skilled labour forces are by no means less than ours. They are less expensive too. This resulted in much heated debate on the influx of foreign talents. Honestly, in a cosmopolitan city like Singapore, it is inevitable foreign talents exist. It is NO fault of the government, rather, market forces dictate. What I was trying to imply was whatever Singapore can offer in terms of human resource capability, our neighbours can too. On top of that, they have cost & land advantages. In view of these pulling factors, multinational firms are very much tempted to relocate to reduce operational costs; if Singapore continues to be “too expensive”. Where we used to think the problem of unemployment was on the unskilled. Now the threat of unemployment applies also to our skilled labour force. Jobs lost may never be replaced again.

Those who bear the brunt of the threat are sadly in their 40s & above. I must hasten to add that education, skills upgrading & experience are key to competition in this knowledge economy. Supposedly, these are the people who have the education, the right training & carry with them loads of experience. However, a cloud of PREJUDICE hovers over them because of their AGE. While some may get re-employed in no time due to certain circumstances, the majority may take ages. Not only do they have to deal with the emotional trauma of being unemployed, they also have to cope with the burden & stress of living costs. What can be done then to help these people? Again, I am NOT advocating a welfare state.

While I jolly well understand the virtue of teaching a man how to fish, the issue is not about giving handouts. It is about coming up with measures to cushion the impact of income loss of this group while they are actively seeking employment during their unemployment period. I thought deep & hard. I would like to share my suggestion.

The government may consider allowing them to tap into their CPF with “terms & conditions apply” of course. Firstly, when one has lost his job, he must register himself with the WDA. This will allow the WDA to do a job match while he is also actively seeking employment at the same time. In the first 6 months of his unemployment, he cannot withdraw from his CPF. After 6 months & still unsuccessful in the job market, he may draw up to 50% of his last drawn pay from his CPF or a stipulated cap amount. Firstly, this is not a freebie as CPF money belongs to each individual & more importantly, the money will certainly come in handy to meet monthly living expenses. Imagine how relieved these people & their families will be after draining six months of their savings to meet costs of living. Once WDA has successfully done a job match or when one has finally found a job, he will not be allowed to withdraw from the CPF anymore. Individuals who reject match by WDA will also not be allowed to continue withdrawing from his CPF. In fact, the government may stipulate a re-payment scheme for those who have withdrawn from their CPF during their unemployment. Re-payment commences once an individual starts to contribute to his CPF again.

Some may argue about abuse of the system. There will be those who choose not to work & living comfortably off their withdrawal. However, this will not be possible. They have to register with the WDA & withdrawal will cease to be allowed once WDA has done a job match.

On the issue of job matching, WDA should take into consideration one’s experience, education & expertise. There have been cases of skilled professionals rejecting job offers as cleaners. They were labelled as choosy. But to expect one who had invested in education & filled with experience to perform such jobs is not job matching. It’s simply filling in vacancies for the sake of filling in vacancies. Job motivation is important.

I would like to reiterate the root of the problem is really age discrimination. While I really wish age discrimination may be a thing of the past, until then it can only be wishful thinking. We can’t pass legislation. It’s not something the Government would consider wise to do. I don’t second that either. On the flip side of the coin, a Safety Net in place would mean a lot to these unfortunate ones to keep up with living whilst genuinely looking for work to bring the bread home.


Blogger ? said...

The government being more powerful and financially-abled than many large international companies, surely would be able to "start up" its own line of knowledge-based companies for trained workers that are over 40 but couldn't find suitable jobs in the private sector?

4:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a good one! Now, who says derek is all whining & not thinking?

9:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! I am beginning to think we have a "faceless" NCMP! Good one! Have you send it to the Shit Times?

3:06 PM  
Blogger nofearSingapore said...

Hi Derek,
I like your idea about helping the truly unemployed by letting them dip into their CPF after job-matching by WDA had failed.
It is logical and viable and will not breed crutch mentality if done properly.
Let's hope some MP's get a whiff of this and bring it out into parliament.
I suspect MP's have been scouring the net for ideas as some of their speeches sound suspiciously familiar. Same for the MSM journalists too!
I will certain credit you if I dwell on the topic! Good on you!


7:12 PM  
Blogger HaveAHacks said...

Ironic that the Straits Times was indirectly responsible for this episode. Forum editor going to get caned soon. Talk about damned if you do; damned if you don't.

For a while there, I was wondering if a Derek Wee actually existed, or was a front for somebody else.

9:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello haveahacks, i really appreciate your humour! haha

in case your imagination gets wild, derek wee is no front of anyone. he's a true blue breathing being.

9:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi , it's good to see some one finally standing up to age discrimination.

However I do feel that the underlying view is rather chavinistic.

I understand that the main focus of this blog is abt how to help people in their forties who face the impending possibility of losing their jobs find alterative routes, but could you also include your point of view abt the "earlier expiry dates" of the opposite sex too?

Or is the emotional trauma faced by the opp sex. not worth mentioning?

1:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes i agree.

Singapore has the most highly-educated taxi drivers in the world, as many graduates are forced to drive taxi to earn their living. Which is something Singapore ought not be proud of.

9:46 PM  
Blogger The Garuda said...

Yes, you are right. I was a Major in the SAF. I hold a MBA from Brunel University, UK; a Graduate Diploma in Personnel Management and a Diploma in Management Studies.

After being "forced" to retire at the age of 50, "to allow SAF to be a young and vibrant fighting force", I could not find a decent job. Everyone rejected me the moment I told them my age. "Oh, I am so sorry. If you are 49, we still can accept you but ....."

I went to see my MP, who wrote a letter to the CDC. The CDC offered me a job; i.e. to be the personal driver of the Mayor for $1000 pm; and on top of that I have to be a despatch rider, a building maintenance man, and a storekeeper.
What a job matching! Isn't that a clear exploitation of my predicament?

I swallowed my pride and went to apply for a taxi license which took me almost 9 months because of the waiting period caused by red tapes.

Finally, at age 51 plus, I started driving taxi, after one and a half years of searching for a decent job.

I have been driving taxi for ten years now, at age 62.

5:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To those above, just after itsalonglongtime,

Even if the major did not plan for his future, ok it is his fault, he can take the money and set up his own shop. But does our system plan for the career path or recongnise the experiences of an army offices?

Simply job matches as a driver is ridiculious, an irresposnible organisation, the supervisor of that job match organisation should be replaced by that army offices.
So that we can pressurise the organisation to buck up a bit. Private sector face the competition of being retrenched, so must stat board and government organisation board.

Else who will want to join the army organisation if and only if their experiences was not count at all? How will army organisation attract talent to protect our country. Bashing through forest and able to lead the men in critical situation is after all a skill.

I am sad to hear this, it made me sadder to see the above comments.....

Should SIM shut down then? Sad sad sad.........

8:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aren't all army/ navy/ airforce personnel given an option to take the gratuity and leave at age 45? My brother did, and started a travel agency. Only the Mandarin scholars get to last forever, and then helicoptered into CEO positions of GLCs.

4:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Going by all his HR cert, it looks like he served as a HR officer, must be always out to tekan his clerks tht sy got retribution today lol.

Secondly for a 1000 job it hard to believe he has to take on so many additionla tasks, why not reveal which mayor and we shall counter check. Most probably he din get a job out to exaggerate and afterall there r not many mayors around not dificult to check.

7:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm singapore born, but an australian citizen. my family lived in singapore for 7 years & worked in engineering & construction. years later we still have business dealings in export & the expat community. Smart aussie expats dont' want to go to singapore. a stifled government, lack of freedom of press, and increasingly lazy & red-taped beaurocracy make doing business with singpore, slow & unprofitable. Derek, as a 39 yr old australian, I agree with your uncertainties, Singapore needs to look at it's competitors, Malaysia, Vietnam, Phillipines, China & see what is their competitive advantage & how they can differ. Singapore needs to work out who it wants to be in the 21st century & the older educated work force may be the asset they are ignoring.

8:13 AM  
Blogger matthew said...

That's a very good suggestion!

4:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We do need to take into account of WDS job matching's abilities in the event that this really is implemented. Pegging a graduate to a cleaner job just doesnt seem like much of a job match does it? and the graduate is deemed choosy should he refuse the job?

and knowing how our current system works, the last thing the goverment will want is to have the ball passed to them to help their people look for a job. They would cite a crutch mentality and again labelled us as spoilt citizen who can't even find a job for ourself.

3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

let me remind u tht during WW2 toh chin chye sells vegetables for a living.

8:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My two cents worth.
Don't quote Toh Chin Chye WW2 incident?
It's out of contact and poor example?

In such situation, ppl will literally do anything just to stay alive and put foods on the table.

Cedit to him because such leaders
understand what the poor and proverty triken ppl faces daily!

However also heard, some ppl even lose their integrity and collaborate with the enemy and sell out their souls too.

We are not at war NOW! (period)

You can go sell your vegetables but
where to grow them.... on top of HDB roof or outside void decks.

PLEASE be practical!!!!

11:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what i trying to say is in bad times "beggars cant be choosy".

2:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To above,

Who caused us to be beggar?

Is it those high paid fellow?

Now they want to get protection fee from beggars by raising GSTs?

That mean the high paid fellows are not doing the good jobs?
Why we still want to paid those fellows so high paid, if they cannot create back the same job levels and same paid type of job?

9:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To above above,

It is because we are not able to adapt to the changes fast enough that caused us to be beggers.
Our economic transformation is not fast enough.....

After all, who's fault?
You paid a few 10K$ for university fee, and now you cannot be choosy and to become driver. Really sad, you know......

10:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To WW2 Toh Chin Chye story teller,

I can't believe you are still using old grandmother story. May I know your age?

We cannot use old grandmother story to compare already. U tube get popular in just less than a year....... and they are earning big bulks. Our students can post a video clip that just happen a few hours ago. Don't be so selfish to block your children from accessing all information flowing or using unrealsitic scenario, else how can our children competite with the rest of the world? Instead we should encourage them to create ideas which strike the world acknowledgement.......right?

10:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the "beggars can't be choosy" commentor,

You can say that people are beggars.......
That mean you must be the beggars suppliers or the beggars creator right?

May I know your qualification and position, those that being retrenched by MNC that shifted out of SG, would want to challenge your current position, and I believe with their experiences in the MNC, they can do much better than you......

11:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did we reach this sad situation today when we have become beggers in our own country?

How can we be transforming ourselves and compete globally when we constantly censor creativity, ppl with their opinions, views and rights?

We are each born with diverse background and culture and therefore different.
Leaders are not god and should not impose their own idealogy even when proven such methods is archive and detrimental to her own citizens.

Thank you to those beggers leader, you truly 'deserve' the remuneration of the world highest paid!

9:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Toh is a great man but sad the current system do not produce such selfless leaders any more!
What a spin machine you ARE?
First you say beggers can't be choosers? Than you say be flexible?
You can be flexible too and set the example, give up your comfortable job for those so proverty triken and also so called foreign talents and be like the major than?
Walk the talk and talk the walk !!!

10:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now a young minister say something very nasty.......

"If you look at the way the economy has changed, it's very much driven by in_dividuals, not just companies, by individuals who decide where to stay "

He is telling you that if you are not happy, don't stay here.......

So if we are not happy, don't vote them.........

12:11 AM  
Blogger TheJourneySoFar said...

I just like to add my comments on 2 issues in the comments:

1) For the Major not being employed issue, I can't help but feel some of us missed the point on part where the org. rejected him because he was 50, even though he qualifies (assuming he qualifies). It does say something about age discrimination in Singapore. Having said that, I wonder if one of the reasons could be the prevailing group insurance policies with (maybe) for some companies for some reasons are capped at 49 and below for new hires or something like that?

2) as for the comment about beggars not being choosers, I see some commenters going off tangent with asking people to purpose give up their job to become "beggars" and take a lower paid job. The term is really meant to express that fact that if we are already in a bad situation (by force) and we really need to eat or to keep the family alive, can we afford to pick and choose jobs because of our position in society or ego or should we try to get some job first that can bring bread to the table and work from there? Of course, I don't mean that should just take what first job is on the table.. but we should consider all options and what is more important to us at that point of time. If getting food on the table is important and its been 3 months, then it is a better to take that job? But if ego or status of the job is more important despite 3 months no job and no food on the table, then are there validity to complain? I don't know, its our life, its our choice...

9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The whole crutch is more than just putting food on the table.
Temporary solutions?
Are our manpower policies sound, creating and resolving the ever increasing unemployment situation especially older workers.
It's our life...granted true but we elected leaders and highly paid them to solve these structural
unemployment problems.
Not take the first job that come along and pretend all is well.
Are we giving out jobs too easily to FT nowadays just because they are a few dollars cheaply?
It's our choice...all right, pleaae remember we also have a choice not to return or elected those that cannot help us .... citizens!

1:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guys, with all due respect, we are NOT debating if one's university is ivy league or otherwise here. I hope we can put things in perspective.

It's about my proposal on safety net for mature workers.

9:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous and another two anonymous just above DW reply,

Gov_t is asking for more GST to subsidy for education leh......
Now you'll say that those University or institution useless, will not help to have social recongnisation........

Are you saying that gov_t should not ask for more GST, as it is unless for further education, as there is no assurance of good jobs.

You'll don't try to mislead the main topics, it is unless for you'll just to " cannot convince then confused ", you want to help gov_t but end up Kanna contradict......

Take off the pant and cane backside har........

Let's focus back to DW proposal,

"safety net for mature workers "

12:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop the bickering here on unrelated argument on merit bet Brunel and IVY leagues universities.
The answer is quite obvious~ period!
Do that on another forum.
Focus on the topic of debate and contention which are the authorities doing enough to helping and resolving the elderly and mature workers issue.
The Major incident is simply the tip of the iceberg?
We have a major employment issue that is not as simple and just grabbing the first job that comes along ~ PERIOD!
It requires legislation to provide safety net and ensure they are attractive to employer to employ them.
I am sure our highly paid leaders in the world can come out with the proposals since they're the the best? Right!

10:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which r the world renowned top institutions we all know. Few can match those in ivy league/oxbridge. We r not derailing but since someone cliams to be so, we just debated on it.

Since u wana resume talking on "safety net for mature workers " so be it then. We cant force employers to hire in preference of older workers as compared to youngers ones. If u r a employer would u prefer a young chap or oldie, lets admit it. R u going to point a gun at the employer and say "U better hire him" tht dont work. What we can do is not by forced legislation but education, persuasion, raising retirement age, retraining, raising employabiltiy levels etc etc.

3:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous above,

I am not that old yet, but experience workers are mature and experience in handling situation etc.

I think you did not read Derek blog right? what we want the problem to solve is Globalisation impact to mature workers.......

Those jobs lost due to MNC shifted out of the region.

8:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear DW,
I understand perfectly the issues you mentioned and like you travelled widely in the early part of my career. The issues of of the unemployed aged between 40 to 50 are very real. We are not talking about the uneducated here. We are talking about graduates (some with master degrees) with MNC experiences who cannot find meaningful employment in Singapore. The options available in Singapore are as follows:
1) drive a taxi
2) lower your expectations
3) start a company, be an entrepreneur
4) go for job matching and we are back to (2).
5) provide consultancy servics (similar to (3)
6) day trading.

unlikely to be a scenario of hope and promise for those reaching the golden years. As such I can identify with the worry that most of us faces which somehow does not seem to be featured anywhere in the government agenda. However, we should take matters in our own hands and solve it ourselves.
The job market pays people who provides value to companies regardless of the age. Let's examine a few key facts:
1) jobs disappearing in singapore and re-appearing in China, India and cheaper countries.
2) despite the huge labour market in those countries, there is still shortage of good talents in those areas.
3) just because you cannot find a solution in singapore, doesn't mean you cannot find one in other countries.

I am proposing we leave Singapore early in your career. Do a re-start early so your opportunity cost is low. If you choose to study an MBA, take one in China or India or somewhere abroad to widen your network. After spending 2 years in China and meeting so many Singaporeans here, there are some interesting observations to be made:
1) there is life outside singapore. surprise, surprise and you can make a good career here way beyond 50.
2) market overseas is much bigger and with big market the cost of failure is low. You can restart again.
3) there are more VC money in China and India.
4) there are many success stories here which never got featured in singapore.

However, it is not always a path of bed and roses and many Singaporeans do not have the courage and willing to make short term sacrifices for long term gain. The 'how to' is a separate issue for discussion. But I guess my point is, we should start thinking out of the box or out of Singapore since there unlikely to be many options in Singpore.

Don't get me wrong, I am not anti-Singapore. Just that, as part of the globalisation trend, where foreign talents are coming in, we should be prepared to go where the opportunities are. Do it early. Less painful that way. It is normally too late once you reach your 40s and you received your retrenchment letter.

This is only one solution. There are probably many others out there.


11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Globalisation is a world wide phenonom grabbing every country. Either u embrace it or not. Simple as tht. Even the housewife knew if tht stall A sells 5 apples for a dollar while stall B sells 4 at a dollar, she will go stall A. Likewise MNCs will go to places where costs r cheaper, if grads cant even understand this simpple rule but keep whining then i afarid we may end up with the most qualified whiners then.

4:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What i trying to say is its human nature to opt for less expensive stuff, be u a CEO of a MNC looking for investment destinations or a hsewife buying apples.

If even degree holders cant fathom this then......

No wonder Wee Shu Min ask derek stop whining and her father came to her defence


7:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahahahha whats a few millions compared to a few billions? Naive stupid thinking of some degreee holders whining chaps here.

Being tertairy educated (in other words benefited most from our education system), u people shld look for answers not whining/complaining.

Tht wont get u anywhere.

7:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Hahahahha just above,

We whin, as we are able to identify the real problem.

It is better than those earning super high salary management level gov_t not able to whin or identify the problem,

or worst still, refuse to accept that it is a problem..........

And they still want to raise GST for investing in the education, so as to let them create more whiners......

Here, There is a ladder for them to withdraw their initial stupid unwelcome hike......

By the way, you give zero constructive ideas or zero problem identify........

If you still want to " cannot convince but keep on confused ".

I take you on to any confusing idea that you bring across.........

1:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyoje is a problem identifier bit when it cam to problem solving all push it to PAP, just like opposition.

Now may I know after u hc identified the problem, whats ur solution? None right besides ur usual compalining/whining.

Seems like we hv produced the most highly educated whiners on earth.

5:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whiners r simply not happy cos I touched their raw nerve. My argumenets are simply more convincing than confusing. Up till nw we hv not heard a single solution from these degree holdes whiners/complainers no wonder destined to drive taxis after 40 hahahhahah

5:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous,

You must be the idol of idiot. and the idiot queen of idiot.......

Derek Wee is giving some suggestion on using the CPF already...... Have you read it?

Is just that the gov_t refused to adopt. Don't say that the gov_t not aware of this blog, at least one of the MP apologised bcos of his immediate family members..... SO they are well aware of existing of this blog......

If I am being pay the same salary as what the minister drawing, I will give you the complete solution.

Now even the top salary drawer can't give solutions, so should they cut their pay...... worst still they are so egolyist that they simply refuse to accept website ideas.

I remember I saw a jobscope website that mention using insurance to protect the retrenched workers, gov_t had simply refused to bring it up for discussion.

Idiot are simply idiot.......confusing idiot

9:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whiners r simply not happy cos I touched their raw nerve. My argumenets are simply more convincing than confusing. Up till nw we hv not heard a single solution from these degree holdes whiners/complainers no wonder destined to drive taxis after 40 hahahhahah .......

We just sit there, and we, the elite minister are drawing millions of salary per month, laughing at whiners can't come out with solution, and just blame the whiners that they are just like opposition, only complaining.

We just continue hahahhahah .......and we just continue drawing millions of $$ per month........

11:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We hahahhahah again, as there is another whiner just reach 40,( as today is his birthday )from these degree holdes become taxi driver again........




11:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm an ex-Singaporean in my 40s and can feel the way that my fellow Singaporeans feel. I was directed recently (late Dec 06) to the Wee's debate. Alas, I spent all my time reading The Straits Times and couldn't feel the real heartbeat of Singaporeans. Forgiveness please!

Someone said to me that Singapore is like a Rolls Royce that has lots of gadgets but without air-con and driving on the road in Singapore.

I thought, "How true!"

I wish Singapore well and that Derek's concerns will be addressed. It is just sad that the ruling elites cannot feel for the population anymore.

Will this spell the start of the demise of the powerful PAP? Time will tell. Who knows??

5:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My belated thoughts as I was travelling to places where internet is not easily accesible and where people are living from hand to mouth.... but was nonetheless appalled by this episode.

Shu Min’s remarks only reflects someone who in spite of her high education (sorry state of S’pore’s elite education system) has no compassion whatsoever towards the average Singaporean. Her bitchy remarks coming from a super-elite family who’s father is an MP (whom first unabashedly defended her and later apologised) also reflects the kind of elite people that PAP is choosing to represent the majority of non-elites…

I feel so sad and sorry… for all heartlander Singaporeans who can only manage simple English to have such MPs to represent them.

This shd serve as a wake-up call to serious politicians here in Singapore. Be the voice of the people or be irrelevant!!

11:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The children of the Elitist are not only without compassion. They are belittling and laughing to their hearts content, even here in the above comments, at those degree holders who are above 40 and unable to find a decent job. Moreover, they are demanding the commoners to provide solutions for their parents who draw millions of dollars from taxpayers' money but refused to provide any solution themselves.
I must not feel sad like you. I should feel happy because if this state of affair continues, the end of Elitism is very near. I am looking forward to see that day.
Merry Christmas!

5:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:53 AM  
Blogger deadfish said...

actually I caught, what you wanted to express in "Future of Singapore", and this post confirms it.

1:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Essentially Singapore has a academmic government blinded by its rhetoric. Pay ministers,provided they are PAP) CEO salaries. Bribe the people for votes. Its stated aim is to stop a viable opposition from developing to secure power. A academic cause-and-effect government.
Other countries like denmark have shown some welfare policies are applicable, viable and doable. Some families here making $1800 income has to struggle for a living because of the CPF system, overpriced HDB flats. Singapore government shows a ruthless academic approach, as once published in the news a US student to a sponsered scholar(US Ivy League Uni) how does he feel about a government treating its people like livestock. As usual, scholars babble stats, figures. GDP. OMG

11:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Derek, are you still blogging here? :)

10:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey pal! Sorry, I am not a conscientious blogger. Anyway, thanks for the interest!

10:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The death of MM Lee will bring an era of change.

9:15 PM  
Blogger Straight Times Forum said...

Hi Derek, would you like to contribute articles/letters to Straight Times Forum?

If so, send them to

Waiting for your reply.


4:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello! That would be cool. But I am hibernating now.

9:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...




10:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell me a couple of things, please; Are there like... old people in Singapore? (and I mean really old like at least over 65)

How many city states are there in the world, (cities that consider themselves to be sovereign states, that is) and out of them, how many really have such a full sized parliament like yours, and for what purpose?

I'm really beginning to wonder if Singapore is some kind of a joke... or if it's just its people.


11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I don;t understand why you want to delete away the telecom shares cannot sell thru post offices already.....

It is an irresponsible way to implement rules and regulations, which impact the nation in just such short notices.......

Ask yourself seriously, Do you really want to let such people take care of the nation?

Ask yourself, are you spoliting the children by breaking off the cane??

Are you parent already?

5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

University students using money to lure people to participate in their final year project (which could be sponsored and financed by one of the govt agencies or agents). Learning fast from TT Durai and NKF. You think people are stupid enough to trust you by promising that our personal particulars will be kept confidential?

Try harder, Morons!

10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Learn late about Wee saga from lion city. Interesting! Trying to catch up. The future of Singapore is not as bleak or gloomy as some might concern. As long as Singapore is ahead of the pack, having a clean government, quality education systems, more humane approach to neighbouring countries, less ugly Singaporean image, it can still be an oasis for the chaos in the region.

Yes China is building capacities and infrastructure first, and India is hot with opportunities and flushed with VC money and the packing order is shrinking as Malaysia and Thailand catching up first. But with law and order, hardwork of Singaporeans and those elitist but delivering officials, Singapore may still have a place in SE Asia and greater Asia region.

A Burmese Engineer in Europe

3:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry it should be fast and not first ....

3:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are now in Europe......You won't know the stituation of what transformation we faced.

We commented because we want to upkeep our current standard and make it better.

You can't use the living standard and the among of G.S. Tax that we need to pay, to compare it with the neighbouring countries.

Europe is unlike ASia, they have the superiority in them, and they won't get their factory shifted out of europe so easily......

Engineer, Do you know that you are the lowest pay among the selected sector of the Mini_ster salary in their benchmarking?

Now P.M salary is 3X the salary of US gov......

And the country jobs availability is losing fast......

2:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Family friendly?

Why family package is only restricted to 2X adults and 2X children? How about the third child that we are promoting?

How about giving Senior citizens of both couples to include in the family package, after all they won't particpate much in the activities or games, but it is the family unity that count, moreover they will also consume during the excursion, which help the nearby shops etc.....

2:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The television station can closed down mar...... so the foreigh university can also test test water and then closed down.

Leading Good example for the well pay maanagement......

Where is their KPI?

2:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the recent computer show, why our service provider is using internet router equipment from company that did not set up their R&D here?
Our monthly consumption for internet and mobile phone are quite high as compare to other country? Why don't they give big slash price promotion for those mobil phone which set up their R&D here also??????? Job creation right?

9:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey listen ! U dirty people singapore goverment who draw your paid the higest - millions $$$ per mths) and ignore the cry of the old and poor!!! For God's sake, when will the sincere singaporeans get you to see their points of their miserable and frustration?? ...or never ?

I doubt personnaly that the selfish singapore goverment will ever want to understand the constraint and the poverty of its citizens, let alone caring for their insecurity. Alas, Sin-goverment are merely just a blood of viper sucking its nation for more money into their BIG FAT wallets, but letting the poor doing their own struggling to meet their end daily life.

i am feeling extremely vexed by the ruthless law abided and compeled by this heartless singapore goverment! What make worst, only a small portion of the minority singaporeans - less then 0.5% of its populations(that include the most educated ones) dare with their courage to voice out for their own right, or such i alleged that "humain rights of speech" do not exisit in singapore and that dampen the whole situation ! In fact, many singaporeans are living in fear: fear of manifesting against the goverment way, fear of lossing their "pethetic comfort" that they possesed selfishly for themselves, fear of having nothing ! (the list continues...) All these in the name of an autocratic, dictatorship and vipious singapore goverment who wants it that way for the nations since it is them who took their upper hand-control over its people and had thier crule power and their right to keep its position over the past 40 years!!! SCANDALOUS!!

Indeed singapore is both a state of forbinden plus "do-it-the-govt-way" complusory syetem. Ranging from the least to the top of the humain rights, namely : forbiden its people the right to demonstrate on the road (to avoid chaos), forbiden the rights for the homosexual to have a GAY-pride, (a nonsence pretext from PM Lee that it will shock the singaporeans 'cos they are conservative) and any undecency private-act puts the gays into a 2 years prison !!! Forbiden this and forbiden that... what's next??
the goverment are also good at using their complusory-system: complusory for all males singaporeans to do their reservist ns-men until age 45 years old(what rubbish! and it just SCANDALOUS!!!!!), complusory for all males to apply for an exit-permit (if u r a male citizen & staying out for more than 3 months - otherwise u be fine and emprison)! complusory to shut-up your mouth if you want to tell the presse about the maladroit of the gouverment, etc.

Seriously, anybody who knows what freedom and liberty are would never ever want to let their whole-life runs by such an overcontrol goverment in this mini-tiny state. That's only giving room to an awful and terrible singapore goverment to do what they want.

Too scary when think about it; I was glad that M. Derek brought up the point about discrimination for the elderly. Do singaporeans really think that 40 years old people is "old and useless" once they are in their 40's ?

it is time that all singaporeans awake from their ignornances and aware the roots of its problems and realise that they do not have to live anymore in fear and binded by the compulsory-system set and decladed by the goverment. Common singaporeans, pick up your courage and star to be independant of such an evil-binded singapore's law ! Be reasonable and sensible about life. Life is not just running after money to pay more for the state goverment! althought i won't deny the fact tha $£ is important when it comes to rainly day.

hopefully one day the singaporeans will work as a team to fight for their FREEDOM away from the trap cage set by the goverment! Until a good action and right justice are triggle together quickly now, the future of singaporeans safety will remain but a home of a prison!


11:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To : 3X us minister pay salary people,

How do you solve inflation? By giving your pay to those who cannot cope with inflation? Then how about the rest?

Patching hole is it?

How do you solve the price keep going up? Our union supermarket has jack up the price of a can of luncheon meat rise to 2X the selling price, just because certain batch of luncheon fail the test? Where is our back up stock keeping system? Where is our operational readiness if there is wars, since can food is not perishable easily.

Our union supermarket jack up luncheon can price is a disgrace to the country, a disagrace to the 3X US Minister salary earner.( called them the 3X people)

Our coffee talk can also came out with ideas like
i) multi food source?
ii) extented one more month of stock up can food.
and many more ideas, which we hope 3X people can work on more better ideas.

Our pork have not being imported from neighouring country since their outbreak of diease, but that was so many years ago, and their citizen still consume their own produce meat all these years.

How about it is time to inspect their farm again and import again so as to curb the inflation?

What can the people of earning 3X the US minister salary do?

1:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agreed on the salary increment, but when there is economy downturn, we, the resident cut pay.

But how is the inflation risk project ahead, we are not asking the leader to cut pay, but why can't they bite the bullet with us by just tar-lay (hold on) to the 2nd phase of their salary adjustments which already have a substantial increment just one year ago?

1:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beginning of last year I say that the economy is so well, especially the finance sector and construction industry.

Other industry falls have been average up by these two industries mah.

I pump in so much on so many mega projects, but end of the years, I only able to just reach the low side of the G_D_P target.

Well done, I can continue received my 3X US Minister pay checks.
Wah another 3M into my pocket.....hee hee.

8:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you say enough already or not?.....

no, because they will never think that their salary is enough.......

1:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MM Lee,

Thank you & all senior citizen on the accumulation of the fund that you announced recently.

No monetary can be justified for the effort that you'll make. And I believe you'll do not want the monetary rewards, but instead the earning of the cost of goodwill as an asset that reward to you'll that will endorse longer than the history of great walls, provided the survial of the country last that long.

Of course I think you do not want to be like Han Wu Emperor that repeat his old folk history. Compare you to the Han Wu emperor is because of the cost of the goodwill that you will enjoy after thousand of year.

Look at your comrade, there is only talent to handle the housing problems at that time, now almost every ministry have 2 x ( 3X US Salary people ) to feed.

What are the tangible benefict that they bring?

Do you think history will repeat during the recession that build mega projects like rapid transit will help, where the globalisation issue will improve after mega projects complete?

Over there , they are starting to curb the inflation and already a 20% down in their property, do you still think that their salary range will catch up within 10 years or so?

Let's face it, if it is not all the manufacturing rises red flags, it will be somehow comestically done up.

Not sure why the initial idea of keeping competitive is not strongly enforce......

What is the advantages of commercial property keep on circulating, but become the world fastest growth of rental, benefict the country........

1:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I am the finance minister,

This budget, every poor get only $400, but the rich get ( $75M / estate duty mainly affect top 10% population ), which is at least a few $10K per person.

The removal of estate duty, does it mean that the low income tax fail to attract foreign talents and riches here?

Poor ask for more but the riches will ask for more and more......

What are the channel to get back this $75M from the upper middle and the riches?
Or we let the poor and middle group share the burden to get back the income of $75M taxes?

The estate duty was not even mention and then debate but straight away implemented.

Well done to our fouth generation management.

11:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I am the finance minister,

If I can't get back the revenue of the 75M loss from the same class of people,

then I will not act smart to remove the estate duty.........

11:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I am the finance minister,

Yes, sometimes we have to give in a little to get big results.

But how little is little? It will be a tangible measurement of low income tax and estate duty which make up of a few hundred M$ get back in return?

Why the riches still station in other country despite the high income tax and estate duty etc?
Why? Infrastructure, which I don;t think so?
The freedom of money handling? The freedom of speech, which they want to boss around or even fu_ck their government.......

you can do that or not?

Look like our managemnt only know how to give in in terms of monetary factor, the super rich will not bother this, which these taxes they can earn back in less than a month......which until now not sure what is the tangible effect of low income tax for the rich bring........What is the tangible results for all industry?

This removal of estate duty will only benefict the old man children that is going to dies soon.......

We might give in until one day, it is better that we join back as a British colony and the ruling and laws will benefit us better......

I think we have an election topics for 201x, the tangible results of giving in and scrifice the majority.

8:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you think the rich will post their money here or invest in the low price US property market?

Do you think they will use their withdrawal estate duty to pay to the charity? The monk work so hard personelly for the charity, climb high, go cold etc, while the monkey drawing peanuts pay is now using golden tap in dubai and another one is walking like nobody business openly instead of in jail......If the initial black horn is not punish severly, but move to let the monk or other organisation take the blame. This collaspe the faith of those charity which is not transparent. this imply totally to the management.

The management insist that their giving in factor work for the country, and inorder to show that they are impartial and fair

their decenstor of the management, from president, mm, sm, pm to member of parliament, should show face open to publicly that they will contribute the full amount of the estatr duty to the charity and it is not income tax exempted, as it is supposed to be initially mend for a tax.

this small red dot is so vulgnerable for them to do what they like.....?
Where is the fourth generation management to rescue us?

11:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sure whether our neighouring country while having election, will their resident use exporting meat to our county as a token for their election, and it will force their management to send an appeal to our management........

Anyway it will be good for both region, a win win....

unlike a hypocritce minster bringing out a chilled pork in TV and claim that it is of lower price...... dam hypocrite on curbing inflation........ well done.

1:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to salute to the Singh from the same party on bringing the issue of lower the GST back to 5%, to curb inflation.

He is the only "real" one that we are looking for. I won;t be surprised of the G_R_C that he is in, will get a better results next election, more than 65%, if he is still in the region.

12:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The HS_BC results reminds me of the comparsion of the KPI for our local banks.

I think we can also use the results of the country and region as a KPI for our management.

Their results of budget surplus comparsion?

Their ability to get each industry improvement? including preventation of manufacturing contraction.....

Their inflation comparsion?

Their ability to curb inflation?

Their same policy of low income taxes of attracting rich to settle there.....

Although HK surplus source, very much from shares market ( sources from media ), but they do bother to let their market to be more transparent and more volatile.... Now they are even talking about lower the transcation fees....
So their flexiblity , transparency and willing to change

In terms of security results, they are peaceful and did not lost any refugee, but we lost a leader, which activtated every resident to search for it......

Moreover the surplus that need to pay the management. Our management draws how many times more than HK management? That make our surplus and profit sharing to the resident somehow very much depleted.

And what our minister can do is just blindly follow...... that next one or two years, when the vinage is having drought, which we can collect more tax with high resales prices from these luxury items, we will waive off the alcohol taxes instead .
H_K able to give a projection of H_K$4b return in terms of trading for waving off the HK$560M alocohol taxes but our waive off of estate duty.... give a non accountable projection of attracting rich people to come in......

If the super rich are not able to sacrifice a bit and realise the goods things don;t come for free, which is for their own safety , clean air ( although we have some fog here, but it is better than sand and poisonous chemical flying around ) and effcient, morally correct & ethnical workers that help them earn more money,

Come to think of it, so much money was spent on keeping corruption free, but is our nation really corruption free? No nation had proof on corruption free yet. Suhar_to was being being praised.....As profit sharing and stock ownership is really the ways to go, but of course profit sharing openly, as per ERS, will not be corruption free, as long as it is clearly lay out.....

Talents as per MM say, cannot be make. To let the talents contribute to each of their best.......

I think we should rethink of whether the high pay for reliable workers or a profit sharing work better, such that latter, in bad season, the reduction of pay and lower of certain taxes eg GST, will help to overcome crisis. And when budget surplus, Minister will get a higher shares in terms of the ERS etc.

Or they will still stick on to the current gigantic scale of high pay and after next election, they will mention that they will need ERS to fill up their stomach........

1:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now promote a law guy with high gap up, as compared with other Minister, with work like bull and horse for him..... so as to come out with ways to go against the opposition law lady, which recently came out with marvellous idea for JI idea....

The law guy got benefict from the lady......

well done.....

9:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who determine the valuation of the price for house?

compare with last year, the val up by at least 50K, a very unrealistic price for normal accomodation..... an extra loan amount which will burn my pocket even more......

seller must be realistic, take alook at the choices buyer have.

and surprisingly small unit, all sold......

10:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While we are fighting strongly for the youth game? Why the olympi torch did not touch our land?

11:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, it is benefit that there is 24hrs coffeeshop, but how about the day time employment?

Where is the ratio of citizen employment vs foreign rule waive off in porduction industry? So does this need to apply to coffeeshop stall, else the profit of hiring foreigner is not pass down to us.

How about force that hired from oversea that search for selamat, they are employed for certain mission, so shouldn't the foreigner also......

What is the objective of housing board set up hawker stall and coffee stall in the initial place?

Coffeshop owner in the 80's still need to do their own hardship and set up their own business early in the morning, but now even neighour country people can open franchise stall or branches by hiring all neighour country people without setting quota.....

Seem like it is too easy to open a stall as long as you have $$ to beat or a special organisation.....

else we are no 1 as a clean and corruption free image to foreigner, but we are not no1 to our own citizen fair policy....... as we deviate away further, isn't it?

11:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now, we are given only two chances to choose for first timer to apply the flags.......

The questions is why don't they fully publish the flats units available on the web site, just like the monthly available application.....

so that we can take a look at the flats available, and then to decide whether we, the first timer, want to apply or not, so that we will not waste our two valauable chances.......

It is our valuable two chances.....ok? Understand or not........

10:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wah, $6.8Millions, that show that we are loving and caring about the Chinese. The Chinese should do their part also, to broadcast this charity donation show to their whole country also, to show them that foreigner do care for them especially when they face disaster......

12:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

will 大使馆committed to broadcast this program to their whole country when they accept the 6.8M$ , please ask them......

12:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6.8M$ do show that citizen care about charity......why the local org did not receive the same response, as the faith is gone, unless we see the pioneer cultprit of golden tape are being handled accordingly. ( not just using hand device that move freely )

If the pioneer case was not given a clear and strong signal, the faith will never be regain......

9:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try to call up the related department, but no one answer call.....?????

Recently there is an advertisement, worse still is a foreign property advertisement. They say that population increased to 6M, it will be tough to find property here and choose property at other place.... Is it a mislead..... Does that mean that when the gov want to increase population, they wouldn't allow new housing to be build here.....
6M population will help to bring vibrant to the nation, but it is not tough to own a housing here..... It is a real mislead, and the advertisement should be withdrawn....

1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

relax lah.....

11:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

officers, officers, my poor officers, are you surname We....

Why you are so daring on that day.....Why you suddenly become maid.... to open the door to serve drink.......which you usually pass the drink thru that pigeon hole.....

What type of mentality and logic is that......? you tarhish officers image by stepping using your feet jumping on it and bring the rest of the officers of the rest of ministry morale dam low.....

We have so many ministry with so many sop...... usually our management encourage us to upgrade and retraining right......Shouldn't all ministry to conduct a refresh sop every half yearly.....Or every month to fill up the sop refresh worksheet,

else if the rest of the ministry sop lag, eg trigger gun on leader head etc, or our country account did not monitor closely, causing our $$ channel out unnecessary, what will happen......

Maid do something wrong, the employer is somehow answerable, officers do something wrong, Management don't need responsible for not doing anything to refresh sop......

9:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't follow a country pre_sident election drama, gun shoot on the glass panel of the will be very dangerous.....

9:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

two good young man died, it is really a pity to lost them....

maybe parents should train children not to rely on air con especially one year before enlist.....

Although procedure is follows, I think the training schedule should be announced to every soldiers and what is expected.... No unnecessary "the kan" and if spot check is needed, a period of when spot check will be conducted should be informed to the soldiers, can train they to stay alert during that period, .......else those inexperienced guy will be too scared to report if they are discomfort.......

proven that reserved soldiers fight better

9:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how is the SARS donation fund now?

how is the kidney lady case as compared to monk?

10:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now, the agent commission is not tied to the percentage......

It is well know that the commission is made know to everyone as it peg along.....

Now, competition ruling, cannot peg percentage....

But how about they still made know of their commission on every prevent mishandling of cases....

Another thing, book prizes was given to the one that suppose to come back and serve the same organisation.....

If two book prizes from two organisations was given to the same person, what is the expectation from both the organisations to the prizes receiver?

How they select the prizes winner?

Should the prizes winner apply for two different prizes? What is their mindset when they apply from two different organisations? Which organisation is their priority to serve first......No fish , prawn also can?

Do we really that lag of qualifications for the book prizes winner.....the one just below the receiver rating must be damp please/ change it.....

11:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last few years our sailing team is of world class. How many team members got medal......

How come this time round not even a single little things was mentioned?
How many members participating this time round.......

11:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One university can only have 200 students inorder to conduct the class efficiently....

So all four universites should have another 4 X more of good students to enter.....

2:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I symphatise with the aged pool of people. However, I cannot help thinking that if everyone was kept with a job, then the younger generation will be running out of jobs too? Looking at places like China, many of the university graduates are not even getting job opportunities. I do not think such a situation in singapore will be favourable for anyone. However my view may be rather naive as I am rather young (still in school) so if I am wrong please correct me.

9:47 PM  
Anonymous 人妻 said...


11:50 PM  
Anonymous サイドビジネス said...


10:58 PM  
Anonymous Hチェッカー said...


11:40 PM  
Anonymous 家出 said...


12:43 AM  
Anonymous 高収入アルバイト said...


11:58 PM  
Anonymous 高級チェリー said...


12:16 AM  
Anonymous 困っています。 said...


11:08 PM  
Anonymous 副収入 said...


11:25 PM  
Anonymous スタービーチ said...


10:28 PM  
Anonymous ¥倶楽部 said...


11:02 PM  
Anonymous 野外露出 said...


12:26 AM  
Anonymous 高級 said...


1:43 AM  
Anonymous 人妻 said...


11:52 PM  
Anonymous ライブチャット said...


10:53 PM  
Anonymous スタービーチ said...


11:00 PM  
Anonymous モテる度 said...


11:05 PM  
Anonymous 救援部 said...


12:23 AM  
Anonymous スタービーチ said...


11:15 PM  
Anonymous 女に生れて来たからには!! said...


9:52 PM  
Anonymous 流出 said...


10:26 PM  
Anonymous グリー said...


9:50 PM  
Anonymous SM度チェッカー said...


10:22 PM  
Anonymous リッチセックス said...


9:51 PM  
Anonymous 神待ち said...


9:56 PM  
Anonymous 高級チェリー said...


10:06 PM  
Anonymous 友達募集中 said...


9:30 PM  
Anonymous 出張ホスト said...


10:44 PM  
Anonymous gree said...


10:20 PM  
Anonymous 玉の輿度チェッカー said...


9:46 PM  
Anonymous デリバリーホスト said...


9:55 PM  
Anonymous リア友 said...


9:02 PM  
Anonymous 出会い said...


10:39 PM  
Anonymous お家遊びに来てくれる人いないかなぁ? said...


8:47 PM  
Anonymous 神待ち said...


9:41 PM  
Anonymous 家出掲示板 said...


9:23 PM  
Anonymous 名言チェッカー said...


9:47 PM  
Anonymous 1人H said...


10:01 PM  
Anonymous モバゲー said...


9:12 PM  
Anonymous 円倶楽部 said...


10:29 PM  
Anonymous 旦那以外とエッチしたい said...


10:26 PM  
Anonymous 神待ち said...


9:55 PM  
Anonymous 熟女 said...

熟女だって性欲がある、貴方がもし人妻とSEXしてお金を稼ぎたいのなら、一度当サイトをご利用ください。当サイトには全国各地からお金持ちのセレブたちが集まっています。女性から男性への報酬は、 最低15万円からと決めております。興味のある方は一度当サイト案内をご覧ください

10:08 PM  
Anonymous mコミュ said...


11:02 PM  
Anonymous 真剣に向き合ってはくれませんか? said...


9:37 PM  
Anonymous スタービーチ said...


10:06 PM  
Anonymous 神待ち said...


10:26 PM  
Anonymous 右脳左脳チェッカー said...


10:14 PM  
Anonymous セレブ said...


10:03 PM  
Anonymous スタービーチ said...


11:13 PM  
Anonymous 彼氏募集 said...


11:05 PM  
Anonymous 飲み友募集 said...

飲み友探してまーす☆気軽に楽しく一緒に飲みに行きませんか?(*^_^*)そんなに強くはないけどね(*μ_μ) イイお店とか知ってたら案内してほしいです★時間は夜遅くでも空いてますよヽ(^o^)丿飲み友探しなんで二十歳以上の人限定ー(*・人・*) 年は23歳だよ!メールよろしくでーす!

3:15 AM  
Anonymous スタービーチ said...

新しくなったスタービーチは新しいであいのカタチを提案します★ あなたに出逢いたい人がここにいます。

12:51 AM  
Anonymous 神待ち said...

神待ちサイト ガールズBBSは家出少女を救う神待ち専用の掲示板です!登録無料で家出少女と出会えるチャンス

12:14 AM  
Anonymous 勝ち組負け組チェッカー said...


12:25 AM  
Anonymous 高額アルバイト said...


11:50 PM  
Anonymous スタービーチ said...


12:46 AM  
Anonymous 高級セレブ said...


10:42 PM  
Anonymous メル友 said...

変な性癖があるのはどう思いますか?私、獣姦とか好きなんです…いきなりこんな話驚きますよね…引きましたか?Σ(゜□゜(゜□゜*)野外とかにも興味があります!変態チックなのもたまにはいいですよ\(^-^ )こんな私にメールしてくれるとうれしいです。メールから色んな話しましょ(^_^)年上の人がいいです、私は27歳ですよ!それでは、メール待ってますね

10:02 PM  
Anonymous ツイッター said...


10:36 PM  
Anonymous スタービーチ said...


11:05 PM  
Anonymous 精神年齢チェッカー said...


10:46 PM  
Anonymous 彼氏募集 said...


10:58 PM  
Anonymous モバゲー said...


11:46 PM  
Anonymous 救援部 said...


11:09 PM  
Anonymous 彼氏募集 said...

今まで趣味とか仕事に夢中になってて気付いたら一人ぼっちで彼氏いなーい(_´Д`)恋愛からしばらく離れてたから…時々さびしくなっちゃったりするんだよね( p_q)同じくさびしーって人いる?けっこう甘えたりするところがあるから大人の人が好きだよ☆だから、年下はゴメンネ(。-人-。) メアドつけておくから気に入ってくれたらメールしてね!待ってまーす

11:08 PM  
Anonymous コンパ said...


11:10 PM  
Anonymous スタービーチ said...


11:51 PM  
Anonymous 人生の値段チェッカー said...


11:24 PM  
Anonymous 素人 said...


11:18 PM  
Anonymous グリー said...


11:51 PM  
Anonymous 家出 said...


10:31 PM  
Anonymous 恋愛のこと教えてねヽ(^◇^*)/ said...

仕事や趣味に夢中になってたらいつの間にか独りきりになってた…彼氏も長いこといなくて恋愛から離れてました( ´_ゝ`)そろそろ恋愛にも夢中になりたいけど男の子とどうせっしたらいいか教えて下さい(-^▽^-) 動物好きだから、年上で動物好きな人仲良くしてね(。・w・。 ) ペット連れて散歩なんていいよね!!まずはのんびりメールからお願いします

10:43 PM  
Anonymous モバゲー said...


10:49 PM  
Anonymous gree said...


11:11 PM  
Anonymous ¥倶楽部 said...


10:44 PM  
Anonymous モバゲー said...


10:49 PM  
Anonymous スタービーチ said...


11:39 PM  
Anonymous 援助スポット said...


10:32 PM  
Anonymous 恋愛 said...

初めましていずみって言います☆1年半以上恋してません…(/∇≦\)元彼と付き合ってた時にあんまり会えなくて恋愛してた感じがなかった(;‾ ‾)それから臆病になってたけど長いこと彼がいないからそろそろホンキで恋したいなーなんて思ってますo(^-^o)けっこう天然入ってるから大人で引っ張ってくれる人で年上の人と仲良くしたいです☆気になった人はメールしてね

11:31 PM  
Anonymous スタビ said...


10:46 PM  
Anonymous mコミュ said...


12:21 AM  
Anonymous モテる度チェッカー said...


11:34 PM  
Anonymous オナニー said...


10:50 PM  
Anonymous 手料理 said...

つい最近独り暮らし始めましたヾ(〃^∇^)ノお家で料理作っても食べてくれる人がいない(´−`)彼氏いないからあたしと過ごしてくれる人いませんか?手料理ごちそうするよぉ!よかったらメールして下さい(o~ー~)年下の人はゴメンネ…(*_ _)人メール待ってます♪

10:37 PM  
Anonymous mコミュ said...


10:35 PM  
Anonymous スタービーチ said...


10:57 PM  
Anonymous ギャル said...


2:18 AM  
Anonymous モバゲー said...


12:44 AM  
Anonymous 出張ホスト said...

男性が主役です! 女性会員様からの謝礼は貴方次第、ご近所出張ホストは女性向けフ一ゾクの決定版!エロい一時を求めて男性様との触れ合いを秘密厳守で探しておられます。エロマダム様達と過ごす癒しの一時を…エロい人妻様会員様を満足させてあげれるのはあなただけなのです

12:47 AM  
Anonymous 恋愛 said...

毎日楽しい生活してても何かが足りないって思った時何が足りないか分かったの…O(≧▽≦)O それは恋愛だったんだ~って(苦笑)σ(^_^;)唯一、私にはなかったもの…彼氏がほし~い(>▽<;; フリーの人いませんか?私を恋人にして下さい♪♪仲良くなってどこかへ遊びに行きませんか?(≧▽≦;)明るい性格なので、一緒にいて楽しいと思います!!年下の人は苦手で仲良くなる自信がないので私より年上の人でお願いしますヽ(*´ー`)ゞ少しでも気になった人は今すぐにメール下さい♪

12:05 AM  
Anonymous スタービーチ said...


11:09 PM  
Anonymous スタービーチ said...


12:15 AM  
Anonymous SM度チェッカー said...


1:16 AM  
Anonymous アダルトSNS said...


12:46 AM  
Anonymous モバゲー said...


12:04 AM  
Anonymous メル友 said...


12:51 AM  
Anonymous 恋愛 said...

彼氏いない歴2年半になろうとしてます、なかなか相性の合う人と出会えず、好意をよせてくれる人もいたけどダメだった。 一緒にいて楽しくて落ち着く人と、仲良くなって恋愛したい!!甘えさせてくれる人がいいから、年下の人は私には向いてません。よろしくね!

11:35 PM  
Anonymous モバゲー said...


10:37 PM  
Anonymous モバゲー said...


10:22 PM  
Anonymous 玉の輿度チェッカー said...


10:02 AM  
Anonymous 高松宮記念 said...


9:34 PM  
Anonymous スタービーチ said...


9:45 PM  
Anonymous 競馬予想 said...

2010 競馬予想 各厩舎・調教師から届けられる最強の馬券情報を限定公開!本物の オッズ 表はコレだ

8:30 PM  
Anonymous 友達 said...

よく「彼氏いるでしょ~?」って言われるけど、イナイよσ(‾^‾)トモダチ集めてホームパーティーなんかしたりするのがマイブームでして♪♪好きな人ができてもハズかしくて告れない…(>_< )しゅりのココロをゲットしてぇ~☆コドモっぽい性格だから年上でお兄ちゃんみたいな人がタイプだよ(*^m^*)

9:37 PM  
Anonymous 出会い said...


9:13 PM  
Anonymous スタービーチ said...


10:09 PM  

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